Lifestyle and Small Block Services
Healthcare Solutions for your lifestyle block animals
Vet Services offer personalised veterinary services to small block owners across Hawkes Bay.
These services include emergency veterinary care, annual animal health plans, preventative veterinary care, educational workshops and technician assistance with routine care to keep your animals happy and healthy.

Health Care Services
We offer a wide range of lifestyle farm services including;
- emergency care
- pregnancy scanning
- preventative foot trimming
- weighing
- castration
- tail docking (lambs)
- pig ring application
- and disbudding (calves & goats).
Technician visits for vaccinations, drenching, bolusing and flystrike treatments are also available.
Vet Services Lifestyle Plans have been designed by vets to give your animals the very best care.
Each plan includes a customised package of veterinary services and optional technician support to deliver preventative care to all animals on your property.
A customised yearly plan for all of your animals health care with recommended products and timing to prevent common diseases on your property.
One of our large animal vets will set you up with a customised plan for your animals. This annual plan will run through what to look out for and the products you should be using throughout the year to keep your animals healthy.
Lifestyle Block Preventative Care Plan
Vet Services Lifestyle Block Preventative Care Plan is a comprehensive veterinary package including a customised animal health plan and veterinary support.
This plan would include an animal health plan and health check and technician assistance in delivering the preventative care outlined in your animal health plan for your property.
There are several advantages of this service:
- A vet or technician can administer the appropriate products correctly and on time.
- You do not need to buy commercial quantities of each treatment product (vaccines, facial eczema capsules, flystrike & lice prevention, anthelmintics, trace elements).
- We will send reminder prompts. You will need to have your animals yarded for the wellness checks and treatments but do not have to be present when Vet Services arrive.
Vet Services run timely education workshops to upskill your knowledge on some of the common diseases we encounter in Hawkes Bay.
- Facial Eczema in sheep and cattle
- Reproduction Services and premating management
- Sheep & Cattle Worms
- Zoonosis – infectious diseases between animals and humans.
- Pre-lamb Management
- Docking
- Pre-calving Management
- Dehorning and Castrating cattle
- Fly Control
- Cattle Premating Management
- Sheep Weaning and Vaccinations
- Backyard Pigs
- Alpacas
- Goats