Lifestyle Toxo/Campy Run 2025

Lifestyle Toxo/Campy Lifestyle run Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City Number of sheep to vaccinate?Please enter a number from 1 to 800.When will the ram go in?(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Do you have yards?(Required) Yes No Would you be interested in a Saturday run?YesNo Δ

Vet Services Launch Farmers Podcast!

  Vet Services is excited to announce the launch of our new podcast channel! Designed for our Production Animal Clients, this platform will provide valuable insights, expert advice and latest updates in veterinary care. Find it on Spotify to tune in and hear discussions on animal health, management practices and much more. We can’t…

Sheep Conveyor Bookings – Pre Lamb

  Remember to book in early for any pre-lamb services using the Vet Services conveyor!   Conveyor Services Include: Long Acting Injections  Drenching + Drench Checks Clostridial Vaccinations Lice Pour-on Application Mineral Bolusing The Benefits: Process sheep more timely and efficiently Multiple treatments can be administered in one go accurately & safely, reducing time and…

Farming in Challenging Times

Anyika Scotland was recently involved in the Hawke’s Bay Farming for Resilience pilot project to help Hawke’s Bay sheep and beef farmers navigate challenging weather and economic conditions.   The project is producing monthly reports from February through to July 2024, providing evidence-based local information, insights and analysis across three common farm types (summer dry…

Heifer Teat Sealing

  Heifer teat sealing is one of the most effective interventions we can perform to improve animal welfare on farms across New Zealand.   Heifer mastitis before or after calving, or during the first lactation, significantly affects udder health and lifetime milk yield.   Heifers have been shown to have a higher risk of clinical mastitis…

black fly on white surface

Flystrike Warning

  The weather conditions are ripe for getting flystruck sheep. Flystrike is a devastating disease that starts with flies laying eggs in an area the size of a 5cent piece in the fleece of the sheep. The maggot larvae that hatch from the eggs then start eating skin tissue, which attracts more flies to lay…