
Keep up to date with all our latest news, articles of interest, and case studies from the veterinary world around Hawke’s Bay.

white and brown dog wearing santa hat

Holiday Hours

Christmas is fast-approaching, our clinics have been busy with people getting ready for the holidays and it won’t be long before most people enjoy a few days off with friends and family. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with your animals over the break – we have an holiday team…


Hoof Health

Incidence of lameness varies between herds and varies during the season. Smaller herds still have an incidence of 10% lame cows in the herd, larger herds often show higher incidences: up to 30%. Wet periods will boost the number of clinically lame cows, due to gravel being pushed into existing white line defects, softening of…


white and gray cat


To be skinny despite continuously eating, is that not the dream for a lot of people? Unfortunately for our furry friends it can be a sign of something more sinister lurking beneath the surface – hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is a disease that we mostly see in cats over the age of 10, although it can happen…


selective focus photography of black dofg

Ila’s weightloss journey

Ila has a new lease on life after loosing 2.5kg since December 2020!   This 12 year old pooch and her dedicated owners have been working with our nursing team over the last 10 months to make small changes to her lifestyle to help her loose weight and manage her arthritis. As a result she…


blue and white logo guessing game

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orange cat

Keeping your pets safe at Christmas.

Enjoy the holidays but remember your pet’s safety and heightened sensitivity to some of our favourite things. Never underestimate a food loving dog’s ability to smell out and find food stuff not intended for them!! Here are a few things to keep in mind. Chocolate: Wrapped up under the Christmas tree, the festive season is the…


Keeping Your Working Team Warm This Winter

With the change of season and cooler nights fast approaching it’s time to consider how you will keep your working team warm this winter.   Why it is important to keep your team warm over winter? In recent years there has been a real push to improve kennel conditions and to provide bedding and jackets…


brown and white short coated dog

Kennel Cough

Central Hawkes Bay has had an outbreak of kennel cough. This disease can and will spread very fast between dogs and we recommend a vaccination to help protect your dogs. What is kennel cough: Kennel Cough (also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis) is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Dogs commonly contract kennel cough at places…


Knowing your drench status.

Drench Resistance is the number one animal health issue facing farmers and their vets in the sheep & beef industry. We are very concerned – here’s why • We have no new tools in the box to tackle this issue. No new knowledge, no new drench families, and we have to work with what we…
