
Keep up to date with all our latest news, articles of interest, and case studies from the veterinary world around Hawke’s Bay.

Vet Services Launch Farmers Podcast!

  Vet Services is excited to announce the launch of our new podcast channel! Designed for our Production Animal Clients, this platform will provide valuable insights, expert advice and latest updates in veterinary care. Find it on Spotify to tune in and hear discussions on animal health, management practices and much more. We can’t…


Replacing bulls at the upcoming sales?

   Before heading to the bull sales this season, it’s a good idea to have a look at your herd and production goals so that you can walk in with a plan for the auction, with confident in exactly what you are trying to purchase! The first thing you need to look at is what…


Farming in Challenging Times

Anyika Scotland was recently involved in the Hawke’s Bay Farming for Resilience pilot project to help Hawke’s Bay sheep and beef farmers navigate challenging weather and economic conditions.   The project is producing monthly reports from February through to July 2024, providing evidence-based local information, insights and analysis across three common farm types (summer dry…



Happy New Year! The Vet Services team are now taking bookings for pregnancy scanning in cows and heifers. Pregnancy scanning has many advantages when understanding your herd’s reproduction performance and planning ahead for the season. The earliest times for accurate testing following bull withdrawal is 49 days, this is especially important for ageing or identifying…


black and white cow on brown field during daytime

Cattle Scanning – Bookings now open!

It’s that time of year again! Time for us to come out and scan your cattle with our BCF ultrasound scanners. Pregnancy scanning has many advantages when understanding your herd’s reproduction performance and planning ahead for the season. The earliest times for accurate testing following bull withdrawal is 49 days, this is especially important for…


Safe handling facilities

  Having a good safe working facility on farm has lots of benefits – to you, your animals, and your service providers. Yards that are fit for purpose are a pleasure to work in and reduce the risk of injury to all users (animal and human alike). The following are some common things that make…


Grass tetany in cattle (Grass Staggers)

We are hearing of lots of beef cows across Hawkes Bay dropping dead around calving this spring. That got your attention – and it is true!!! This spring is the perfect picture for cows getting grass staggers and we have confirmed this with bloods pre calving in many herds. Cold and wet season, short green…


Make Drenching Count

Farmers should target worm control in cattle at young animals and use oral drenches as long as they can. Article by Sara Sutherland, Vet Services Wairarapa. Sheep and cattle systems have some subtle differences with respect to drenches and drenching. For example, worm species are (mostly) different, the availability of pour-on drenches for cattle, the…


black cow on green grass field during daytime

Bulls – Keep your eyes peeled!

With our scanning equipment all but back on the shelf for another season we’ve had a little time recently to reflect on another year of cattle pregnancy results and follow up on some of the more disappointing outcomes. Whilst there are potentially many factors involved in a poor scanning result, bull failure is undeniably one…


Nitrate Poisoning

Too hot to handle Crops are an integral part of many systems, supplying supplementary feed when pasture covers get tight during autumn and winter. Unfortunately, nothing in life is ever that simple with many of the popular choices for crop being higher risk for nitrate accumulation, placing us between a rock and a hard place…


two white cows during daytime

Common Diseases in Weaned Calves

Weaning is one of the most stressful event a calf will go through, which is why it can be the period when we see many disease related issues as the associated stress leads to immune compromise. Young cattle at weaning may also be going from a situation of being regularly observed to a less intensive…
